Frequently Asked Questions

  • I am located at 754 Lynwood Avenue Nashville, TN 37203 . I provide in-person or telehealth sessions. I am available M-F however my office hours vary day to day so please contact me for more information.

  • Initial sessions are $225 for 90 mins. Routine sessions are $160 for 50 mins.

  • I do not bill insurance directly, so I am considered out-of-network. I would be happy to provide you with a Superbill receipt to submit to your insurance if you have any out of network benefits. I accept AMEX, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, and HSA cards.

  • Let's have a conversation. This free, no-obligation call is an opportunity for us to get to know each other. We’ll discuss what brings you to therapy, I’ll tell you a little about my approach, and if you decide we’ll be a good fit, we’ll look at our calendars to book our first session.

    1. If you decide we’re a good fit, we’ll look at our calendars to book our first session.

    2. You will be sent the necessary documents electronically to review and complete prior to your first session.

    3. Come to your scheduled session. If you are someone who likes to be prepared, you can think about the questions listed below in next question.

  • Having an idea of your goals for therapy is a great place to start. Then you are able to find the therapist that will align and fit with you. Things to consider when choosing a therapist:

    • Will I be open and honest with this therapist?

    • What are times in my life when I have felt seen and heard

    • How do I find connection in everyday life?

    • How do I learn best?

    • What personality types draw me into conversation and connection?

    • How do you receive feedback?

    The answers to these questions will help you narrow down finding the therapist that will be the best fit for you.

    I am hands-on and collaborative in my approach, meaning I ask questions. I have a conversation. I laugh. I use books and handouts. When working with the hard and uncomfortable parts of life, I believe therapy can also offer a personal and enjoyable atmosphere.

  • I work with adults ages 18+. I also work with teenagers 15+ dealing with sexuality concerns.

  • Sessions vary based on the client’s needs and goals. I find each person has different motivations, some like homework in between the sessions, some like to have a direction for each session, some like to free think. I try to recognize the different personalities and learning styles and integrate that into our work.

  • The length of therapy varies for many. Based on the specific reasons that bring you to therapy, I recommend in the beginning to do weekly routine sessions and as progress is made, then we will discuss reducing your frequency with the end goal being termination from my services or self-care maintenance sessions.

  • Under the law, health care providers need to give patients who don’t have insurance or who are not using insurance an estimate of the bill for medical items and services. You have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your medical care will cost. Read how to request a Good Faith Estimate Notice here.



Grief & Loss